Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Muhasabah untuk bulan Mei dan Target bulan Jun

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Pejam celik pejam celik esok dah masuk bulan Jun kan? So sepanjang dari Januari sampai la ke Mei tahun ni ape je yang korang dah buat? Ape lagi yang korang belum buat? Setakat mana korang menjalani kehidupan korang? Sama2 la muhasabah diri dan perbaiki diri sendiri, tak gitu?

So, kali ni nak imbas balik target aku pada bulan Mei yang aku buat dalam entry INI. Boleh la tengok entry tu kalau nak tahu ape die target aku..

So, tercapai tak target2 tu? Jom sama2 kita imbas balik la ye...

  • Target #1: maintain blogging setiap hari dengan at least 2 -5 entry setiap hari..nak kata tak tercapai tak jugak sebab masih berblogging sampai ke saat ini, tapi mungkin dapat capai 2 entry je setiap hari tapi ade jugak kadang2 tak ber-entry pon sehari..So, kira tercapai tak ey?
  • Target #2: menaikkan trafik sebanyak mungkin (>200UV). Yang ni memang tak tercapai la sebab purata dalam lingkungan 80-100 UV je sehari..masih kena pertingkatkan tarikan berblogging...kalau blogwalking tu kira rajen la jugak... So target ni tak tercapai, harap dapat dibaiki untuk bulan Jun.
  • Target #3: Aku target untuk buat 70 header untuk segmen free header. Alhamdulillah setakat ni aku dapat buat 84 header. So, target tercapai.
  • Target #4: tambah kawan at least sorang. yang ni I would really like to believe yang memang ade orang yang anggap aku kawan.. kalau setakat add kat FB tu sape2 pon boleh...biasa la tu kan. Tapi kawan yang betul2 walaupon dalam dunia maya, agak susah nak dicari..tapi aku rasa yang aku dapat capai at least sorang tu.. Korang rasa aku ni kawan korang tak?hehe...
  • Target #5: mantapkan skill blogging dan photoshop. Untuk skill blogging, disebabkan takde kayu pengukur so aku tak boleh la nak kata skill blogging aku makin bagus. tapi aku dapat rasakan yang boleh la improve sikit2.hehe... untuk skill photoshop pulak, aku dapat belajar ilmu baru masa buat header 2 untuk korang semua so ade la improvement. aku jugak dah boleh siapkan header dengan lebih cepat dari sebelum ni... So, target yang ni tercapai la...Alhamdulillah...

So, macam mana pulak dengan target bulan Jun? kat bawah ni senarai2 target aku untuk bulan Jun untuk blog ni...

  • maintain blogging dengan menulis sebanyak 2-5 entry sehari.(sama macam bulan Mei)
  • naikkan traffik > 200 dan maintain (perbaiki target bulan Mei)
  • buat at least 10 tutorial untuk photoshop, 10 tutorial untuk programming dan 10 computer tips and tricks.
  • menjadi blog informasi yang boleh menarik minat para pembaca
  • tambah at least sorang kawan.
  • mantapkan skill blogging, photoshop dan jugak belajar adobe flash.
  • rangka satu contest atau lebih baik lagi lancarkan satu contest sebelum akhir bulan Jun.

So, aku harap dapat capai target2 ni untuk bulan Jun.

P/S: Ada satu hari dalam bulan Jun ialah hari lahir aku..sapa yang tahu senyap2 je la ye...Tak payah sambut...
P/S 2: Blog aku lagi satu tu takde orang nak jenguk ke? Pergi la jenguk kejap...aku dah publickan dah...klik sini --> Kei seichi official blog

P/S 3: Lagi satu, nama aku Kei Seichi taw! kalau panjang sangat panggil Kei je... Bukan Keichi la, kenichi la, macam2 name lagi..pelik betul..mana la korang dapat nama2 tu kan... -_-"

Free header untuk blog Eza Boom Boom dan DhiaBellamiZam

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Kali ni nak kongsi dengan korang header yang aku dah buat untuk blog Eza Boom Boom dan jugak blog DhiaBellamiZam...masing2 panjang la pulak name...jenuh nak menaip...haha...

Pada sape2 yang nak join, tawaran masih terbuka. Cepat2 join sebelum tarikh tutup 3 jun 2011. Tak lame je lagi tu, hari Jumaat ni last... Jangan ketinggalan okay?

Oraite...jom la kite tengok header untuk Eza Boom Boom kat bawah ni...

First draft & final result

Okay tak okay? Cun tak? Smart jugak header ni, bangga aku kejap...haha..masuk bakul angkat sendiri.. =P
Papehal pon jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Eza Boom Boom 

Kat bawah ni pulak header untuk blog DhiaBellamiZam...jemput la tengok ye...

First draft & final result

Amacam? Cun tak tuan blog tu? Eh..header blog tu maksud aku...cun tak? hahaha...
Header kat atas ni ialah header untuk blog ke 50 yang aku buat...setakat ni aku dah buat 83 header...so lame lagi la nak mereview satu2 header ni...haha...mesti korang bosan kan?

Kalau bosan pegi la bace blog aku yang lagi satu tu...mesti lagi bosan ye tak?haha...Klik je kat "The Other Me.." kat atas tu...

Jemput2 la terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog DhiaBellamiZam

Okay..berkaitan contest yang aku nak jalankan, ade idea tak nak buat macam mane? maklum lah tak pernah buat contest..hadiah die dah bagitau haritu kan? Heaer flash, header gif dan header biasa...Ye..aku tak berduit nak bagi korang hadiah duit... (T.T)  header je aku boleh bagi....

Ade cadangan tak untuk format contest tu macam mane? Agak2 ramai tak yang akan tertarik dengan hadiah yang aku tawarkan tu?Mintak pandangan korang yang baik hati lagi bijak pandai ni ye...hehe...

P/S: sibuk bace komik, tak terbuat sangat kerja...haha..

Monday, May 30, 2011

Panduan untuk bermain game online

Assalamulaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Pernah tak korang main game online macam World of Warcraft dan sebagainye? Biasa kalau kita main game online, kita akan main dengan pemain2 dari serata dunia. Kat situ jugak kita akan boleh chatting dan berborak dengan pemain2 lain...

Tapi kadang2 kita tak tahu apa yang ditaip disebabkan mereka dah develop satu bahasa atau glosari perkataan yang hanya biasa digunakan oleh mereka2 yang selalu bermain permainan online.. So harini aku nak share dengan korang beberapa tatabahasa atau perkataan yang digunakan oleh mereka didalam permainan online supaya korang tak jadi pelik bila nak main game online ni...

Di bawah ni adalah senarai2 berkaitan tatabahasa yang digunakan oleh pemain2 game online...

  • Newb (newbie) - pemain baru, orang yang baru menceburi permainan online
  • Noob - dweeb, lame, nerd.
  • Dood - Dude.
  • Toon - Pendek bagi "cartoon". Biasanya merujuk pada karekter game tersebut
  • AA - Alternate Abilities
  • NP - No problem. Biasa digunakan kalau kita buat silap dan kita minta maaf, kemudian dia akan balas "NP- No problem". Juga boleh digunakan jika ada player lain yang tolong, then kita ucap "Thank you" then die akan balas "NP".
  • XP - Experience Points. Point yang akan kita dapat untuk kita naik level menjadi lebih kuat.
  • Alt - Alternate Character. Character yang kita buat selain yang utama, character ke dua dan seterusnya.
  • LFG - "looking for group". 
  • RTM / RTFM - "Read the manual / Read the f***ing manual" -Biasa digunakan kalau bengang dengan newbs yang tak tahu pape pastu asyek tanye je...haha
  • WTB / WTS / WTT - "Want to buy / Want to sell / Want to trade". Biasa digunakan kalau nak berurusan dengan player lain seperti nak beli senjata atau perisai dan sebagainye. Contoh, "WTS Demon Axe 500000G" bermaksud kita nak jual "Demon Axe" dengan harga 500000G <--ikut matawang game tersebut.
  • RL - Real Life
  • RPG - Role Playing Game
  • MMORPG - Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game.
  • LOL - laughing out loud
  • KIK - LOL yang disalah taip
  • ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
  • LMFAO - Laughing My F***ing Ass Off
  • ROFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.
  • FTW - For the win
  • Gratz! / grats! / gratzzzz! - Congratulations
  • WTG - Way to go!
  • PWN / PWNED - Biasa digunakan bila kita dapat kalahkan player lain. "I PWNED U!" instead of "I OWNED U!"
  • WTF? - What the F*** - Biasa digunakan bila dalam keadaan terkejut. Contoh, kita dibunuh tanpa sedar oleh player lain atau lawan dengan rasaksa yang sangat kuat, so kita cakap la WTF?
  • OMG - Oh My Goodness!, Oh My God!, Oh My Gosh! - melambangkan perasaan terkejut
  • "?" - What are you talking about?
  • "???" - What is that suppose to mean?
  • "?????" - Who do you think you are?
  • STFU - Shut the f*** up!
  • JK - Just kidding
  • IAMF - It's all my fault
  • BRB - Be right back
  • AFK - Away from keyboard
  • ATM - At the moment
  • BTW - By the way
  • TTYL - talk to you later
  • TYT - take your time
  • NVM - never mind
  • TY - Thank you
  • WB - welcome back
  • NP - No problem
  • TYVM - thank you very much
  • BBL - be back later
  • PvP - player versus player
  • PC / NPC - Player/playable character - Non-player/non-playable character
  • Lag - Bermaksud slow, bergantung pada sambungan internet atau PC. Biasanya digunakan kalau character kita dalam game tu menjadi slow.
  • DC / LC / LD - Disconnected from server / lost connection / link dead

So..berikut adalah sedikit sebanyak vocabulary yang boleh korang gunakan kalau nak bermain game online.

Have fun playing!

Free Header untuk blog Nor Suhaiza dan Cik Wanny

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Kali ni jom la kite tengok header yang aku dah buat untuk blog Nor Suhaiza dan Cik Wanny... Sape2 yang nak join cepat2 la ye sebab tarikh tutup dah nak dekat iaitu 3 Jun 2011...

Jom kita tengok header untuk blog Nor Suhaiza...

First draft & final result

So? Camne? Pe pendapat korang? Okay ke tak okay?

Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Nor Suhaiza

Kat bawah ni pulak header untuk belog Cik Wanny...jemput la tengok ye...

First draft & final result

Okay tak? Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Cik Wanny

Mesti korang bosan baca blog ni kan sebab hari2 cerita pasal header je? Tak de cerita lain ke? Takde ke cerita2 suspen or pengembaraan or kehidupan seorang pengembara merentasi 7 lautan..haha...

Nak baca cerita best jenguk la blog aku yang lagi satu tu...erm...best la kot? Ntah..aku pon tak taw..haha...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Basic Guide To The Internet - Part 4

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Ini adalah sambungan dari entry ni... --> Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. These are periodic postings to Usenet newsgroups that contain a wealth of information related to the topic of the newsgroup. Many FAQs are quite extensive. FAQs are available by subscribing to individual Usenet newsgroups. A Web-based collection of FAQ resources has been collected by The Internet FAQ Consortium and is available at /http://www.faqs.org/.

RFC stands for Request for Comments. These are documents created by and distributed to the Internet community to help define the nuts and bolts of the Internet. They contain both technical specifications and general information.

FYI stands for For Your Information. These notes are a subset of RFCs and contain information of interest to new Internet users.

Links to indexes of all three of these information resources are available on the University Libraries Web site at /http://library.albany.edu/reference/faqs.html.


Chat programs allow users on the Internet to communicate with each other by typing in real time. They are sometimes included as a feature of a Web site, where users can log into the "chat room" to exchange comments and information about the topics addressed on the site. Chat may take other, more wide-ranging forms. For example, America Online is well known for sponsoring a number of topical chat rooms.

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a service through which participants can communicate to each other on hundreds of channels. These channels are usually based on specific topics. While many topics are frivolous, substantive conversations are also taking place. To access IRC, you must use an IRC software program.

A variation of chat is the phenomenon of instant messenging. With instant messenging, a user on the Web can contact another user currently logged in and type a conversation. Most famous is America Online's Instant Messenger. ICQ, MSN and Yahoo are other commonly-used chat programs.

Other types of real-time communication are addressed in the tutorial Understanding the World Wide Web.


MUD stands for Multi User Dimension. MUDs, and their variations listed above, are multi-user virtual reality games based on simulated worlds. Traditionally text based, graphical MUDs now exist. There are MUDs of all kinds on the Internet, and many can be joined free of charge

*credit: hackers tutorial
*pictures from Google

Free Header untuk blog Myzasuki dan Nuddyra

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Kali ni nak kongsi dengan korang sume header yang aku dah buat untuk belog Myzasuki dan jugak belog Nuddyra...
Pada sapa yang nak join tu join la cepat... Tarikh tutup 3 Jun 2011... Sapa lambat tak dapat la ye...jangan nanges2 pulak nanti...haha

Okay2...jom tengok header yang aku buat untuk belog Myzasuki...nak tengok tak? Ni kat bawah ni haa...jom la tengok same....

First draft

Final result

Amacam? Okay ke tak? Ni memang peminat tegar Mirmo Zibang ni...haha... Kenapa kotak tu kosong? Sape boleh teka? Kalau nak tau kenapa kotak tu kosong, meh terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Myzasuki

Sekarang ni jom tengok pulak header untuk belog Nuddyra...kat bawah ni jugak la ye...

First draft

Final result

So camne? Okay ke tak header ni? Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Nuddyra

Sapa2 yang mengikuti perkembangan segmen ni mesti ade perasan yang header buatan aku ni sume macam lebih kurang same je kan... Bosan tak korang rase? mesti bosan kan...sebab aku bukan la designer yang hebat dan kreatif...setakat biasa2 cap ayam je...haha...jelez pulak aku tengok header buatan designer2 hebat yang lain...bile la aku nak capai tahap diorang kan...agak2 10 tahun lagi kot...haha...

Anyway, sape2 nak join cepat2 la ye sebelum tarikh tutup iaitu 3 Jun 2011. Kira hari tu hari terakhir la untuk join dan submit entry...okay?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Basic Guide To The Internet - Part 3

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Ini adalah sambungan daripada entry ni... --> Part 1, Part 2


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This is both a program and the method used to transfer files between computers. Anonymous FTP is an option that allows users to transfer files from thousands of host computers on the Internet to their personal computer account. FTP sites contain books, articles, software, games, images, sounds, multimedia, course work, data sets, and more.

If your computer is directly connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, you can use one of several PC software programs, such as WS_FTP for Windows, to conduct a file transfer.

FTP transfers can be performed on the World Wide Web without the need for special software. In this case, the Web browser will suffice. Whenever you download software from a Web site to your local machine, you are using FTP. You can also retrieve FTP files via search engines such as FtpFind, located at /http://www.ftpfind.com/. This option is easiest because you do not need to know FTP program commands.


One of the benefits of the Internet is the opportunity it offers to people worldwide to communicate via e-mail. The Internet is home to a large community of individuals who carry out active discussions organized around topic-oriented forums distributed by e-mail. These are administered by software programs. Probably the most common program is the listserv.

A great variety of topics are covered by listservs, many of them academic in nature. When you subscribe to a listserv, messages from other subscribers are automatically sent to your electronic mailbox. You subscribe to a listserv by sending an e-mail message to a computer program called a listserver. Listservers are located on computer networks throughout the world. This program handles subscription information and distributes messages to and from subscribers. You must have an e-mail account to participate in a listserv discussion group. Visit Tile.net at /http://tile.net/ to see an example of a site that offers a searchable collection of e-mail discussion groups.

Majordomo and Listproc are two other programs that administer e-mail discussion groups. The commands for subscribing to and managing your list memberships are similar to those of listserv.


Usenet News is a global electronic bulletin board system in which millions of computer users exchange information on a vast range of topics. The major difference between Usenet News and e-mail discussion groups is the fact that Usenet messages are stored on central computers, and users must connect to these computers to read or download the messages posted to these groups. This is distinct from e-mail distribution, in which messages arrive in the electronic mailboxes of each list member.

Usenet itself is a set of machines that exchanges messages, or articles, from Usenet discussion forums, called newsgroups. Usenet administrators control their own sites, and decide which (if any) newsgroups to sponsor and which remote newsgroups to allow into the system.

There are thousands of Usenet newsgroups in existence. While many are academic in nature, numerous newsgroups are organized around recreational topics. Much serious computer-related work takes place in Usenet discussions. A small number of e-mail discussion groups also exist as Usenet newsgroups.

The Usenet newsfeed can be read by a variety of newsreader software programs. For example, the Netscape suite comes with a newsreader program called Messenger. Newsreaders are also available as standalone products.

*resource: hackers tutorial
*picture form Google


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Jom join The Faceblog Gempak Bloglist untuk bulan Jun!!
Klik banner untu join, tak pon klik kat bawah ni...

Bloglist pulak akan dikeluarkan kat sini...

Free Header untuk blog Ly Tulip dan Anamarza

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Kali ni nak pamerkan header yang aku dah buat untul belog Ly Tulip dan jugak belog Anamarza....sebelum tu nak mintak pendapat korang mengenai entry ni boleh tak? --> Blog Informasi vs Blog Personal

Sape2 yang nak join masih lagi berpeluang sehingga 3 Jun 2011... So cepat2 dapatkan header free korang....free je kot, tak nak ke?

Okay...jom la kite tengok header untuk belog Ly Tulip...

First draft

Second draft

Final result

So? Camne pendapat korang? Cun tak? Aku tak letak la perubahan lain yang beribu2 tu, takut panjang pulak jadinye entry ni nanti...jenuh korang nak bace...haha...Pastu dapat kat die, die ubah lagi...Ape ko dah buat dengan header yang aku bagi tu???Sedey woo... haha..takde hal la...nak ubah pon ikot suke la..header ko kan...

Jom tengok header ni kat belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Ly Tulip

Kat bawah ni pulak header untuk blog Anamarza...jemput la tengok ye...

First draft

Final result

Okay tak header ni? Meh tengok kat belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Anamarza

Starting pada entry ni dan beberapa entry akan datang, aku buat autopost je sebab nak cuba siapkan beberapa tutorial untuk korang... Tutorial tu ada tapi part video tu payah sikit...Nak dapatkan kualiti yang bagus dan saiz yang tak berapa besar sangat...Masih dalam proses try and error... Tapi insyaAllah dalam awal bulan 6 lepas abis segmen ni akan mula post pasal tutorial la ye...Sementara tu aku sajikan la para pembaca aku ni dengan entry pasal header dan info pasal dunia IT ye...dan kalau ade entry2 ringkas setakat 3 4 ayat tu, tu bukan autopost la ye..hehe..

Friday, May 27, 2011

Siapa pandai guna twitter?

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

nak tanye ni...siapa pandai guna twitter meh ajar sket kat aku....tak taw pe bende pon pasal twitter ni...haha...
baru2 je nak mencuba...

owh..do follow me on twitter... --> http://twitter.com/#!/KeiSeichi


Free Header untuk blog Emma dan Yaya

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Kali ni nak pamerkan header yang aku dah buat untuk blog Emma dan jugak blog Yaya...pada sapa2 yang masih nak join sila la...jangan malu2...genap seminggu dari sekarang ialah tarikh tutup iaitu 3 Jun 2011.. Lambat tak dapat, tak dapat jangan nanges...hehe...

Okay...jom kita tengok header untuk blog Emma kat bawah ni...jemput la ye...

First draft

Second draft

Final result

Amacam? Ok tak? Comel kan akak ni? eehhh..header akak ni..comel kan? ahakz..tak pasal2 je kang..haha..

Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Kak Emma

Kat bawah ni pulak header untuk Yaya...jemput la tengok..jangan malu2 ye...

First draft

Final result

Okay tak header ni? Kepada Yaya, kalau yaya bace post ni, mintak maaf la ye sebab hentam awak haritu.. Mase tu memang tengah bad mood, kena pulak kat awak..so saya mintak maaf la secara terbuka mana taw terguris hati ke pape...Kalau saya bad mood memang camtu, lepas tak kena orang...tapi hari tu yaya pulak yang kena so mintak maaf la ye....

Die tak pasang lagi header aku buat ni, terasa kot ngan aku sebab haritu...atau mungkin die sibuk takde mase kan...

Jom tengok blog beliau kat sini... --> belog Yaya

Owh..sebelum korang tekan butang X kaler merah kat atas belah kiri tu, nak mintak pandangan korang untuk entry ni kalau tak keberatan ye...segala komen dan cadangan didahulukan dengan ucapan terima kasih daun keladi, esok2 komen la lagi...hehe..  -->  Blog informasi vs blog personal

Blog Informasi VS Blog Personal...

Assalamulaikum dan salam sejahtera...

nak mintak pendapat korang semua lagi boleh tak?

Antara blog informasi dengan blog personal, yang mana menjadi pilihan hati untuk dibaca?
Kalau blog personal, benda ape yang korang suka baca pasal blogger tu? Berkaitan hidup diorang ke? Keluarga? Anak2? or mungkin pakwe makwe diorang?

Kalu blog informsi pulak, blog macam mana yang menarik minat?
Blog berkaitan dunia IT ke? Blog yang ada tutorial ke? Kalau tutorial pulak tutorial yang macam mana? Blog berkaitan masakan ke? Blog berkaitan makanan or tempat2 makan yang menarik ke? Blog yang macam traveling ke? Boleh la mintak pendapat korang ey...

Kalau aku publickan blog personal aku ade tak orang yang nak baca? Kalau ade angkat tangan ye..hehe...*tak mengharap pon sebenarnye orang nak taw pasal idup aku..sape la aku kan..bukan blogger popular pon...*

Then berkaitan contest yang dalam perancangan aku, kalau hadiah die header sahaja ok tak? Nak bagi duit aku pon bukan ade duit...nak bagi topup, aku punye fon pon dah berbulan tak topup...hehe...
Header bukan header biasa la...header flash tu kira hadiah utama, then header GIF maybe pastu saguhati mungkin header biasa...ok tak untuk bahagian hadiah?hehe...

so..mintak tolong ye bagi pendapat...untuk aku improve blog ni dan kalau boleh memanfaatkan para pembaca semua...

Owh..lagu ni untuk korang..lagu feveret aku buat masa ni...

Dr.Dre - I Need A Doctor (Explicit) ft. Eminem, Skylar Grey

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Basic Guide To The Internet - Part 2

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Ini adalah sambungan daripada entry ni --> Part 1


Electronic mail, or e-mail, allows computer users locally and worldwide to exchange messages. Each user of e-mail has a mailbox address to which messages are sent. Messages sent through e-mail can arrive within a matter of seconds.

A powerful aspect of e-mail is the option to send electronic files to a person's e-mail address. Non-ASCII files, known as binary files, may be attached to e-mail messages. These files are referred to as MIME attachments.MIME stands for Multimedia Internet Mail Extension, and was developed to help e-mail software handle a variety of file types. For example, a document created in Microsoft Word can be attached to an e-mail message and retrieved by the recipient with the appropriate e-mail program. Many e-mail programs, including Eudora, Netscape Messenger, and Microsoft Outlook, offer the ability to read files written in HTML, which is itself a MIME type.


Telnet is a program that allows you to log into computers on the Internet and use online databases, library catalogs, chat services, and more. There are no graphics in Telnet sessions, just text. To Telnet to a computer, you must know its address. This can consist of words (locis.loc.gov) or numbers ( Some services require you to connect to a specific port on the remote computer. In this case, type the port number after the Internet address. Example: telnet nri.reston.va.us 185.

Telnet is available on the World Wide Web. Probably the most common Web-based resources available through Telnet have been library catalogs, though most catalogs have since migrated to the Web. A link to a Telnet resource may look like any other link, but it will launch a Telnet session to make the connection. A Telnet program must be installed on your local computer and configured to your Web browser in order to work.

With the increasing popularity of the Web, Telnet has become less frequently used as a means of access to information on the Internet.

*resource: hackers tutorial
*pictures from Google

Free Header untuk blog Misz Jenny dan Cik Nadd

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera..

Kali ni nak pamerkan header yang aku dah buat untuk belog Misz Jenny dan Cik Nadd...
Pada sape2 yang nak join masih ada harapan lagi, boleh request kat sticky post kat atas tu...

Senarai peserta pon boleh tengok..mana2 yang dah submit tapi aku tak senaraikan tu maksudnye aku tak buat lagi la ye...hehe...sabar la ye..

Okay, kat bawah ni header untuk Misz Jenny..nak tengok tak? jengok2 la kat bawah ni...

First draft

Second draft

Final result

Amacam? Ok tak ok? Bagi menghormati permintaan tuan belog, aku tak letak la header2 yang dalam proses pembetulan yang beribu2 kali dibetulkan tu...haha...Jangan marah ye..gurau2 saje...

Masa buat belog die ni jugak ade la dapat skill baru, dapat belajar teknik blur gambar...sebab die mintak tapi aku tak reti buat so aku search je la..hehe..

Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Misz Jenny

Okay, kat bawah ni pulak header untuk Cik Nadd...

First draft & final result

Amacam? Okay tak? Design ni die mintak aku buat macam wallpaper SNSD yang aku pernah tunjuk dulu... Awal2 nye die request lain tapi sebab ade skali tu aku tulis entry pasal nak buat header style SNSD, die pon mintak so aku buat la...hehe...

Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Cik Nadd

So..template blog aku dah tukar, biar kemas sikit dan tak la serabut sangat... Lagi satu nanti aku nak letak tutorial kat sini, both text and video so takde la serabut sangat kalau korang nak tengok2 tutorial tu nanti.. Pembangunan video masih dalam proses try and error... InsyaAllah dalam bulan depan akan mula buat tutorial, lepas abis segmen header ni..

Lepas ni kalau aku buat contest nak tak? Hadiah die header flash...hehe..amacam?

Sedikit perubahan pada blog...

Assalamulaikum dan salam sejahtera..

Perasan tak dah ubah sedikit benda kat blog ni..

So camne? Cuma nak nampak kemas sikit la dari dulu..walaupon tak brape lawa...

Tinggalkan komen ye...thanks...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Free Header untuk blog Cik Maz dan Misz Sheyla

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Kali ni nak pamerkan header yang aku dah buat untuk belog Cik Maz dan Misz Sheyla..

Pada sapa2 yang nak join sila la, tawaran masih terbuka sampai la jam 11.59 PM pada 3 Jun 2011... cepat2 join, jangan menyesal dikemudian hari...bende free tak nak ke?

Okay..enuf...jom kite tengok header yang aku dah buat untuk belog Cik Maz..

First draft

Final result

Macam mane? Korang rase mane yang lagi cun? Hehe..

Jom tengok belog beliau kat sini... --> Belog Cik Maz

Okay..sekarang jom beralih kat header untuk belog Misz Sheyla pulak...

First draft & final result

Okay ke tak okay? Jom terjah belog beliau kat sini ye.. --> Belog Misz Sheyla

Setakat ni aku dah dapat buat 74 header, 3 tengah pending..so sebanyak 77 peserta yang dah join segmen aku ni dan aku berterima kasih banyak2....Agak2 boleh sampai 100 tak sebelum tamat tempoh? Hehe...

Owh..hari ni agak happy jugak sebab segmen aku dipromote oleh blogger popular iaitu Kak Sunah Sakura. Beliau ade buat segmen berkaitan header jugak tapi dah tutup la...jam 4 petang tadi tutup...and ada jugak antara peserta yang join tu, diorang menggunakan header buatan aku dan diorang mention pasal segmen ni... So terima kasih banyak2 pada sape2 yang tolong mention belog ni... Susah2 je kan... rasa terharu la jugak...rasa dihargai...hehe...

Tempoh hari bro Abdul Farique dah mention aku dalam belog die..hehe...

Ok..membebel je la aku ni...

So..kalau korang nampak kat tepi ni --->  
aku ade letak 1 menu baru iaitu link ke private blog aku...sape2 nak melawat jemput2 la klik ye...hehe...

Ok...nak pegi mengarut kat belog tu pulak...haha...

A Basic Guide To The Internet - Part 1

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera...

Entry ni dalam English coz ade banyak term yang kalau diubah akan menjadi mengelirukan, so better biar dalam English...

The Internet is a computer network made up of thousands of networks worldwide. No one knows exactly how many computers are connected to the Internet. It is certain, however, that these number in the millions.

No one is in charge of the Internet. There are organizations which develop technical aspects of this network and set standards for creating applications on it, but no governing body is in control. The Internet backbone, through which Internet traffic flows, is owned by private companies.

All computers on the Internet communicate with one another using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite, abbreviated to TCP/IP. Computers on the Internet use a client/server architecture. This means that the remote server machine provides files and services to the user's local client machine. Software can be installed on a client computer to take advantage of the latest access technology.

An Internet user has access to a wide variety of services: electronic mail, file transfer, vast information resources, interest group membership, interactive collaboration, multimedia displays, real-time broadcasting, shopping opportunities, breaking news, and much more.

The Internet consists primarily of a variety of access protocols. Many of these protocols feature programs that allow users to search for and retrieve material made available by the protocol.



The World Wide Web (abbreviated as the Web or WWW) is a system of Internet servers that supports hypertext to access several Internet protocols on a single interface. Almost every protocol type available on the Internet is accessible on the Web. This includes e-mail, FTP, Telnet, and Usenet News. In addition 
to these, the World Wide Web has its own protocol: HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP.

The World Wide Web provides a single interface for accessing all these protocols. This creates a convenient and user-friendly environment. It is no longer necessary to be conversant in these protocols within separate, command-level environments. The Web gathers together these protocols into a single system. Because of this feature, and because of the Web's ability to work with multimedia and advanced programming languages, the Web is the fastest-growing component of the Internet.

The operation of the Web relies primarily on hypertext as its means of information retrieval. HyperText is a document containing words that connect to other documents. These words are called links and are selectable by the user. A single hypertext document can contain links to many documents. In the context of the Web, words or graphics may serve as links to other documents, images, video, and sound. Links may or may not follow a logical path, as each connection is programmed by the creator of the source document. Overall, the Web contains a complex virtual web of connections among a vast number of documents, graphics, videos, and sounds.

Producing hypertext for the Web is accomplished by creating documents with a language called HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. With HTML, tags are placed within the text to accomplish document formatting, visual features such as font size, italics and bold, and the creation of hypertext links. Graphics and multimedia may also be incorporated into an HTML document. HTML is an evolving language, with new tags being added as each upgrade of the language is developed and released. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), led by Web founder Tim Berners-Lee, coordinates the efforts of standardizing HTML. The W3C now calls the language XHTML and considers it to be an application of the XML language standard.

The World Wide Web consists of files, called pages or home pages, containing links to documents and resources throughout the Internet.

The Web provides a vast array of experiences including multimedia presentations, real-time collaboration, interactive pages, radio and television broadcasts, and the automatic "push" of information to a client computer. Programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Cold Fusion and XML are extending the capabilities of the Web. A growing amount of information on the Web is served dynamically from content stored in databases. The Web is therefore not a fixed entity, but one that is in a constant state of development and flux.

*Part ke 2 akan disambung dalam entry yang lain...
*Resource : Hacker tutorials

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